
The new protocol for reporting offences or irregularities.


According to Legislative Decree no. 24 of 10.03.2023, Ondulati ed Imballaggi del Friuli S.p.A. adopted on 14th December 2023 a new protocol for reports of offences or irregularities that may involve violations of the national and EU regulations specified in the decree (including those relating to public procurement, product safety and conformity, transport safety, environmental protection; please refer to Annex I to Legislative Decree. Lgs 24/23 for the complete list and please note that the provisions of the decree do not apply to personal interests).

For the submission of reports, the company has activated an IT platform, developed according to the highest standards of privacy and data security, which can be reached by clicking on the following button:

Reporting procedure

According to the Legislative Decree no. 231/2001 and no. 24/2023